Weekend, Don't Leave Me Yet!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am very loathe to go to work today. So I am back to dreamily blogging about the weekend. Bill sent me some of his snapshots of our Saturday ride. On Saturday, he had a pretty good view of us cowgirls. Here are some of his pictures!

Here we are getting ready again. That's Jody the newby in front with Christine's english saddle on her. Doesn't she look grand? She's such a pretty little mare.

Terri and me.

Terri and me again! Thanks, Bill, for getting that branch in my face!
Look at Charlie's ear in the frame! Now that's cute!

Me, Susie and Terri. Where did Christine go?

The Chick Wranglers! If we were a singing group, this would make a good album cover.
Emphasis on the bum!

This one is my favorite. What are we doing over there in that huddle?

This is how Terri looked the whole day. I am not kidding. It is always a ton of fun to be with someone who really feels the same excitement that you do around horses. I hope when she comes back for another visit, she and Susie ride again. Do you see my brumby trying to get into this picture? She wants to be part of the fun!

This is the part of the trail Christine and I christened Trollwood. Because it seems like a little naughty troll might dash out at any minute. Rider Beware!


Anonymous said...

dont you love those "memories of magic".. especially with good horse buds..... had a weekend similar... fun stuff

happy trails

juliette said...

Again, great photos! When I was riding in middle school there were two riding friends at our barn (guys, if you can believe it - at an English barn!) who loved to snicker and joke about where the trolls were hiding on the outside course. Still, to this day, whenever I see a patch of forsythia I laugh that there must be trolls in there because they always said that!

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