Bill came out to send us off. He knew Cody would take good care of Karen on trail. He reminded us that Cody likes to step out and would probably do best at the head of the line. Of course we told Bill that if he could handle all the estrogen, he was welcome to come with us. Hah! But he had other things to do. Or maybe the estrogen cloud frightened him! We were expecting CC to join us but she got tied up (with her new boyfriend perhaps).
This is what happens when I try to take a picture while trotting, of someone behind me, with my gloves on. Ummmmm, this is not a great picture! But what I like about it is that you can see Karen smiling! Because riding in any weather is AWSUM.
Karen with her rockstar glasses on Cody. He sure looks nice in that purple saddle pad!
Karen and Christine on the road where the wind was blowing icily. Here is where we turned around and just headed right back into the woods where it felt warmer.
Karen and Christine took off across the field and it was so gorgeous I stopped to get a picture. The snow is deep and drifty here. After I put the camera away, Lilly wanted to hurry and catch up with Cody and QTee. Always nice to fit a canter in! (Although just looking at this picture makes me feel cold)
Back in the woods we had to take Bill's advice and let Karen and Cody move to the front of the line because Cody decided he was too frustrated to be in back for one more minute and made this evident by some fancy dancy crowhopping.
When we returned from the trail, Bill had the woodstove hot and his wife had made us cocoa!! Good ride, good company and chocolate? Superb Saturday!
Sunday Christine and I decided to brave the cold again and head out on the trail. I didn't even bother taking the camera because I knew it would be too ridiculously cold and awkward to get any good pictures.

Before we headed out though I did get a few pictures. Here is Christine giving QTee a spa treatment after cleaning all the frozen diarrhea off of her bum and tail while Lilly looks on with mild interest. Poor QTee!!! Yes, that is Christine blow drying QTee's tail dry! Only the best for QTee! Why is QTee having mudbutt? We do not know. But Bill we be watching her, do not fret. After cleaning her tail up, Christine wrapped it up with a nice green wrap. Much better!
My parting shot......
You are the bravest of the brave!!! Wonderful photos of your ride. I love the soft snow shot - the one that makes you cold. It really is pretty. Poor little Getty! Sweet puppy.
Oooo, you make me feel like a big ole wuss -- I didn't ride today because it was 40 and very blustery. The low tonight is 32, with a windchill in the lower 20s! Egads!
As for QTee, maybe she needs some probiotics. They usually help clear up the, um, "problem" that you described. :-D
Looks very cold your way! You are one brave soul to ride out there! Looks like you all had tons of fun!
Poor Getty, I remember an old dog of mine, when he had to get his dewclaws removed. They are so funny looking. But it is better they don't have them, they can catch on something and rip off!
Happy trails to you!!
I'm glad you're taking advantage of the gorgeous and FREEZING weather to ride. You're braver than I am.
wow... you get major winter points my dear... you'd fit right in here in wintery Montana :)
I am so impressed with your bundling up and riding in the winter! You are a rockstar! How fun to get together and ride with a friend. I haven't taken my Nikon on the trail. Too big, too much to deal with. I just take the little trashed up Sony point and shoot. :)
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