On Friday, the wolf moon was so huge and bright! I tried to capture it with my kodak camera....

.....only to have the resulting photo look more like a UFO that a big ole gleaming moonpie! Well, I hope you all got to see it because it was spectacular and made wonderful moonshadows on the snow.
We have been lucky enough to have another coldsnap. Sub-zero temps, furious windchills and even a few white-out conditions. One day I looked out the window at work and saw nothing but WHITE. I immediately thought of Lilly and hoped she was in her shelter. A few hours later, Bill read my mind and emailed me this picture:

Does my brumby look like she is in a shelter? No she does not! I'll tell you why: this horse is 100% unfazed by these low temps and windchill. She could not be
bothered to move into her shelter. Her wooly coat, her internal furnace and big pile of hay is all she needs.
Yesterday was too cold to go riding. I TOTALLY wimped out. I called Christine and told her it was too cold, even for me. I guess I was feeling delicate. But today is Sunday and I have just returned from a ride with Christine. We bundled up and entered the cruel temps! The trail was icy and so we had to walk part of the way. I knew it was going to be so dreadful out that I did not even take my camera. When I got to the pasture and grabbed Lilly, she was as warm as toast. So I plastered my face to her neck. OOOOOh did she ever feel warm.

Here is a picture Bill took from a few days ago. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

And if this picture of Bill does not make you laugh and shiver at the same time, you are
kwaaazee! I love this picture. It is totally
Bill. The key to winter is the dress correctly. Today for example, here is what I had on: long underwear
and fleece pants and then my puffy snow pants. I also had thick hiking socks with toewarmers in my Mountain Horse winter boots. Then I had on a long underwear shirt, a turtleneck, a layer of Underarmour and two fleece pullovers (one was pink). All of that was under my winter riding jacket. On my head I had a balaclava, my helmet, and over my helmet: my new fleece helmet cozy that Karen P sent me! And I was VERY WARM INDEED. I had not a single complaint about the weather...although I was about as flexible as a two by four with all those layers on. I wish I had a video of me demonstrating how ridiculous I look trying to get my foot in the stirrup with all these layers on. Can you say oafish and lumbering? Again, I am thanking my lucky stars for a horse that oh so patiently waits for me to climb into the saddle, probably mauling her ribs and neck in the process.
These are the gloves I was wearing today:

Aren't they grrreat? These are from Karen P as well, and they are the Best. With handwarmers in them, my hands were actually hot. Don't you love the little separate pinky slot? Genuis! I applaud the person who invented these! And thank you, KP, for sending them my way!
Two more weeks to the Olympics! Can't wait to watch the skijoring!!
I knew you would be out riding!!! Good for you. I know what you mean about being not able to bend. The worst part is driving to the barn. I can't bend to fit in the driver's seat! Lilly and her posse are enjoying the weather! The dogs look happy too. I just "googled" skijoring and clicked "images" and saw a Lilly-looking horse pulling a guy on skis. Can't wait to see you pulling Bill or Brandon!
Lol, I bet you looked like that kid in A Christmas Story who is all bundled up and can't even put his arms down. Hahahahahahahaa!
Oooo, I did not know that skijoring was now an Olympic sport! That is quite exciting (and funny).
And, ouch, your pics are making me thank my lucky starts that I no longer have to live in the Frozen Northland!
Wow, you are so bundled up you could fall off of Lily and just bounce right back up! :) I would love to see a pic of that helmet cozy.
Honestly, you make me look so bad for not riding this winter...it's hardly below freezing around here these days!! I wished you lived here and we could go riding together! I would bundle up and ride with Paint Girl, but she is not a cold weather rider. I just need a riding partner who is game, like you! :)
I think I would be whimping out in that kind of cold. You are heartier than me.
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