Back in the Saddle

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday there was horrible wind all day. While usually I do try to brave most nasty weather conditions, this wind was roaring so loud, and the trees were swaying with such agitation, that I did not ride at all. Christine thought if we went riding, we might get clobbered by flying branches. It figures that our shortlived heat-wave of earlier this week happened when I was working. In any event, today I was back at Bill's with Christine. But uh-oh. When I got there, Bill was doctoring QTee who had a substantial cut on her leg.

It must have just happened--in the last 6-12 hours. It looked like something had sliced a little disk of skin right at the fetlock...and something pretty sharp. But what? Bill scouted around the pasture for any offending sharp points or trouble-spots. Sometimes you can actually find where a horse has hurt himself. But today, nothing. Could the ice have done it? We sure have a lot of ice around here.... QTee's wound was treated, bandaged and she got some bute. The she went in the stall for a little bit. (QTee was not too happy about being in that stall.)

It was back to being bone-chillingly cold today (and still really windy) but the ring was clear, the sun was out, and I hadn't had a real ride on Lilly in weeks, so down to the ring we went. Lilly did everything I asked her too. We did side passing, whoaing, lots of changes of direction, collection. She was responsive and respectful. I daresay, I felt pretty darn good riding her.

Bella is our most dedicated fan. She often watches, ringside.

And the doggies came out too for a little bit of frolicking, a little bit of spectating, and a little bit of manure-eating. Gross!

Christine was snapping pictures, and snapped this of me and Bill.

If you'd like to see Lilly and I today in video action, then you can click here!

A few weeks ago, one of my fave bloggers, Honeysuckle Faire, passed a blogging award on to me. I have not forgetten, dear Honeysuckle Faire! In the next few posts I will be blogging happily about this award. The truth is, this award carries some responsibilities and I have not fulfilled them yet. Not to worry, I am working on it!


Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

oh no, poor qtee. i do hope the leg gets better quickly. you were smart not to ride on the trails in that weather. stay safe and stay warm!

juliette said...

Glad you got to ride your princess. The wind has been treacherous. Bella is just the cutest spectator ever.

No worries about the award - riding and enjoying our early spring is WAY more important.

Amber said...

Adored the video! Lilly was totally focused on you, and you looked like you were having fun (despite the wind)!

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Your mare is adorable. I enjoyed watching your video - thanks for posting it.

I tend to pick my rides apart when I get video - so much more revealing than pictures - but I guess that's what they're good for ;)

Hoping the big winds go away soon!

Rising Rainbow said...

I worry about flying branches when the wind blows too, that and even falling trees with as wet as it gets here.

I hate that a horse can hurt itself and no duprit can be located. It really is amazing how often that can happen.

Hope she heals quickly and you'r back out riding soon.

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