Still No Lilly

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do you see this horse? She is GREAT! If I had money to burn, I would snatch her up in a second. Don't you love her ample forelock? She also has a very narrow body which I love. She is awesome, no question about it. That is not to say I do not miss my brumby. Truth be told, I am quite sad on the trail without her. I miss looking down and seeing her glow-in-the-dark white neck. I miss her funny little quirks and her ambling. I am so lucky to have other horses to ride. But I still miss Lilly.

Tuesday I rode alone. The weather was murky. It was my first time out on the trail alone with Glitter. She gave me no trouble, and even stood still while I got down from her to search for mushrooms. She doesn't stand still for long, but she will wait for a little bit.

While we were out passing the BP, the sun came out for two seconds. Right at the moment we were checking on Lilly! My brumby did not run to the fence but did look up from her nibbling curiously. BRUMBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I shouted to her. She did not look jealous of Glitter. But she did look. I hope her foot is healing.

There are all kinds of mushrooms popping up out there! If you under the cap of a mushroom, you can help your identification greatly when you observe if it has gills or pores. Brandon says mushrooms are more like animals than plants as these two features suggest.

Isn't this a cute cluster? I am not sure what they are. Sometimes when we are out mushroom seeking, Brandon will say, This one tastes really good! Try it! And when I try it, it tastes so horrible that I spit it out. And there he is laughing and laughing at my gullibility. Note to all unmarried girls: sometimes husbands are like 14 year old boys.

Once again, Bill came out to check on me, but I was already almost at the road to come back to the barn.

Wednesday the sun finally was out in earnest. So I made a plan with Christine to meet at 11am. This is so great, not having to work. I wish I could have every week off. It is going to be really hard to go back to my desk at work. On the way to the barn, I passed these fine ladies from Normandy.

Here is Bill's new chimney! We ourselves had our chimneys rebuilt last summer. It is a such a relief knowing your chimney is in great shape.

At Bill's before we hit the trail, Christine gave one of Bill's grandsons Joey a riding lesson on QTee. Here are the horses peering at Joey's father as he comes down to watch.

While the lesson went on, I wandered around and took some pictures. Here are my fave flowers with Christine and Joey in the distance.

There were a bunch of these little guys in the water near the ring.

Getty loves to be at Bill's. She kept sticking her head in the water, trying to snatch the tadpoles. She'd put her whole snout in the water and hold it there for a second, and then bite the water. Isn't it amazing that dogs know not to breathe underwater? How do they know that??

Looking good, Joey!! Looking good, QTee!!

Christine and I had a great ride, once we slathered QTee up with extra bug spray. QTee is very fussy about bugs on her.

It was one of those days when you want to ride for hours!!

Back at home I had some gardening to do. What do you think of my new watering can?


SprinklerBandit said...

Good times. I love the watering can!

Kristen Eleni Shellenbarger said...

No... i have to know where u got that can. I LOVE it.
I hope Lilly heals up quickly...foot issues can SUCK it.
Glitter does seem like a little gem.
Was that a tadpole?

Frizzle said...

Can you please steal one of those cows for me?! I have such mad love for cows, and those look particularly cute! The white/brown speckled one looks like she would like to come live in my yard and be brushed and fed carrots. :-)

Michelle said...

Looks like so much fun! I can't wait for the post titled Lily is Back!!!

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