And Finally, the Sun

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The sun arrived just in time for this weekend's fall festival in our tiny town. YEAY! At the festival there's a craft fair, local and yummy fare (including Pekarski's sausages and fried dough with maple cream), live fiddley style music, pumpkin games, games for kids, and many tags sales. Here you see Brandon found a old outboard motor at Mike Skaski's annual (and huge) tag sale.

Here's my friend Dre watching the booth her husband and kids set up.

And here's our friend Zoe selling her little elf dolls.

After dabbling at the festival for a few hours, I met Jackie at Bill's for some good ole sunshiny R & R out on the trail.

It was such a fabulous day for a ride.

Both Jackie and Christine love it when we happen upon a branch or log across the trail because this means they get to jump over it. Here is a short clip of Jackie, excitedly making a small jump with Pokey along the trail. Just click right here. This clip cracks me up because it reveals Jackie's exuberance at being with Pokey. I can't say enough how lucky I am to have such great trailriding partners. Jackie, Christine and Bill are all excellent riding buddies.

We went along the river trail which I haven't been on in months. It was very pretty. Jackie had never been on this trail and she fell in love with it. The trail that gets you to this section is all very downhill and scrabbley. But if you can stand it, the reward at the river is very great.

On Sunday, while Brandon was working in the burgers-and-dogs booth at the festival, I went over to take my brumby back out on the trail. Because seriously, when it is this nice outside, being on my horse makes makes my heart grow.

This time, Bill came with me on Ruby. Ruby wasn't even wearing a bridle, just a halter. I could probably take Lilly out in just a halter. But I never do.

Bill kept finding all these wild grapes along the pastures we were riding through. Aren't they beautiful? They were a little sour and both Ruby and Lilly had no interest in them when we gave them some. I guess when you're expecting a sweet carrot and all you get is mouthful of sour grapes, you feel no compunction about spitting them out.

Yesterday Bill made a knot tying video. The only knot I am any good at tying is the Granny Knot. And also, the Colleen Knot which is something I made up and use all the time. Sometimes Bill looks at the knots that Jackie or I have tied and he says, "What the hell is that?" But Jackie is much better at them than I am. In any event, check out Bill's video by clicking right here!

Back at home, Getty the Warrior Pumpkin Dog kept an eye on things while I did some raking.

Good night everyone!

1 comment:

juliette said...

Fabulous autumn harvest festival post! Love the sunshine - how did you arrange that for the festival?
I didn't realize you had a river trail - that would be my favorite. My heart grows too every day I ride.
Getty is so cute guarding her pumpkin!

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