Saturday's Child

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Today's weather, like a lot of weather this spring, was sullen and dreary and about as appealing as a wet diaper. As usual, as soon as I arrived at the farm, it started to rain. I was somewhat prepared. I had several layers on and even had a pair of waterproof gloves at the ready. I loaded up my pommel bag with carrots and off we went. Here we are at ye olde trailhead. This trailhead is like an old friend.

Lilly must have thought we were headed back to her favorite place on earth, the Big Pasture, so she was walking briskly up the road. It was so refreshing to not have to coax and cajole her to move away from the barn. She stepped right out.. Here we are passing one of my kindling piles (aka fairy house) along the short trail. It survived the winter!

So the close-up setting on my camera didn't work here but this is evidence that there are new leaves on a few of the trees. How I love seeing these little tiny spindly trees with buds on them. They made it through the winter too! I love how the leaves are still wrinkly, like a newborn baby.

When Lilly stopped to slurp up some water at the ice pond, I seriously almost flipped over her head. That's how steep it was, probably in part to the ground being so soft at the water's edge. I was trying to take this picture and realized how unstable I really was. If she had jostled or spooked even slightly, I would have ended up in the water. I had to shove my camera in my pocket and get out of there.

Water water everywhere. How cute and agreeable my brumby was being.

More signs of spring! These fuzzy ferns delight me. They are so darling and full of promise. Nature is astonishing. This is partly why I love horseback riding so much. It allows me to linger in the woods and see small and beautiful things. This trail is the one I was on with Bill in February ( or was it March?) when Lilly bolted and I ended up falling off of her. Today I decided to return to re-conquer it.

And these provocative little ferns are what greeted us. Moreover I am pleased to report that though I was prepared for bad behavior, Lilly was mellow and sweet. No bolts or bucks. Just a nice amble. Through the ferns.

Back on the road we passed the daffodils coming up by the BP. Boy did Lilly want to be left off in the BP. She was so crushed that she had to go back to the barn. But  she has it SO GREAT that I refused to feel badly for her. This planet is full of suffering animals and I know she is absolutely not one of them. Not by the longest shot.

 Were we worried about missing the Kentucky Derby? I had completely forgotten that today was the day!

There's another kindling pile!

I made a video of our first official canter up the short trail of the season:

It took us 41 seconds to do it! I should have been holding both reins but I foolishly wanted to film our run. There is a tree on the left that I almost shattered my kneecap on. It's not the first time either. Some people never learn.


deb said...

your Lilly is beautiful! so happy to have stumbled upon your blog ~ I wrote today of my love of horses ♥

Melody said...

Seems Saturday was a good day for equines to be sweet and amiable in all corners of our state! (i confess, we had sun over here~) Great photos! One day I hope to be able ride and take pictures at the same time!! :)))

Willow said...

Canter on ~ yay ~ and a nice pat at the end .
Good girl Lilly !

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