The wind and cold around here is remarkable. But out on the trail, the winter is so gorgeous it will take your breath away. Here's what I was lucky enough to see on my trail ride today with Lilly:

When I plucked Lilly from the pasture today, the wind was blasting so much that my thin little balaclava that I was improvising as a hat did nothing to keep my head warm. The horses were also in a big cluster and sometimes walking in between them to get Brumby feels ridiculously unwise. But whaddya gonna do? Did you know that when your hands are freezing, it is very hard to put a halter on a horse head? Either my gloves are too bulky to be functional, or they are too thin to be warm!

Although no humans came along on the trail, I was not alone! It was very quiet out there in all the snow. And while it was remarkably windy in the pasture, in the woods it was calm. We could hear the wind, but not feel it. This landscape is what Robert Frost must have been looking at when he wrote all of his poetry. Because this is poetry!

Here are some low hanging branches, heavy and droopy with snow. Does it look like my brumby is going to walk right into those branches? Yes, it does, and yes, most of the time she did! This meant we both got covered in snow. It is very hard to take pictures and keep your brumby going exactly where you want her to go. While I am diddling with my camera, gloves and carrots, this brumby takes matters into her own hands and ambles right into the hemlocks.
We had a good gallop up the hill today at the trail's best cantering stretch. I like cantering or galloping up this hill very much. Today I lost both stirrups and then a big dollop of snow fell from a tree right onto my eye! No feet and missing an eye! But overall, not a bad gallop at all!!

When I come home with Getty after being at the farm, she heads right to her puff and curls up for napping and we do not see or hear her for hours!!
Hours!! We say, where is the little dog? and then we find her in an exhausted heap amid all of her toys.
Oh my goodness! It looks so cold there!!! You are so brave for riding out in it!!
The dogs look like they had so much fun! Mine absolutely love the snow, they would be out in it for hours.
Lovely winter ride - thanks for taking us along!
Yes, the snow is the stuff of poetry! Very beautiful. Must have been a peaceful ride. Well, except for the snow falling on your face, LOL!:)
Oh how beautiful!!! The snow is so peaceful. Your Brumby looks perfect out in it. I love the picture of the dogs together. Getty sure fits right in at the farm. That is adorable that she goes right in to her puff to sleep...happily exhausted. I always think of Robert Frost too in snow like that.
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