Hot Hot Hot

Saturday, August 4, 2012

It's been so hot around here! In fact, today was so hot, I didn't think it would be fair to put tack on my brumby. So when I went over to see her, my plan was to just walk with her, all naked. Ahem, not me naked (although it would have felt much better than wearing clothes), but my brumby! So we set off down the road, tack free.

Just like this. This is a picture of my brumby thinking of taking a step to the left, after I have told her to whoa. She is looking at that yummy grass.

Then I decided I'd take her picture to send in to Horse Illustrated, or the magazine that compares 3 horses for conformation. But you can see my brumby was not cooperating. It's just as well--I had not gotten her very white and spiffy looking. But at least her weird patches have gone away!

Hah, BRUMBY! We were half-way to the trailhead on our walk when Bill came shooting over on the 4 wheeler saying that a storm was coming, couldn't I hear the thunder? (I had been ignoring it). So we turned around and walked back. Lilly was pleased about this and stepped right out on the walk back. Here she is when I put her in the pasture. Too bad, so sad, she is saying.

I thought I'd do a photo shoot before the rain came.

It rumbled and thundered....but no rain!

I found all kinds of new settings on my camera while diddling around in the pasture. This setting is called "Pop Art." Hmmmmm.

This is what always happens when I try to get a group shot. Ruby always comes sticking her nose into my business. She always needs to see what is going on. It is cute anyway.

I only got them all to look at me like this, because as I came out of the woods, I said, ROOOOOOAR!!!!!. They were like, What the......??? They looked at me for several minutes, decided I was very silly and then resumed nibbling and standing around.

As I write this blog entry, it is finally raining! Hurrah! We need it.

Hope everyone is staying cool and wet.


lia said...

you are so lucky to have all this horses around... for most of us it is just a dream to live in a place like this! Enjoy it to the fullest!!

Take care

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Too bad, so sad! Haha haha! I think Brumbies like having the last word. :D

We've been getting some rain finally. Still too hot to ride, except maybe in the evening or early morning. Of course those are mealtimes which haven't proved popular as times for work...

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yay for rain! It's been mostly lightning here, but some light sprinkling off and on. I hope we get a steady soaking rain soon.

That last photo is great, but with your story behind's hilarious and absolutely wonderful!

Your Brumby is so beautiful. I love that first photo shoot photo of her in the grass.


lmel said...

Great shot of Lily in the grass. Can't wait for the heat to break--maybe this week?
We had that storm (without thunder), rained hard, but did little to cool off. Looking forward to fall riding! :)

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